5-Steps to Successful Co-Parenting with your Ex
Taryn Tatum
As a single parent twice, I had to and needed to learn how to co-parent with my children's fathers.... and I did it successfully! Yes, it took time, work, effort and emotional self-control to accomplish it but I did it and you can too. It's not about "You don't know my ex" or "He's not like your ex", it's none of that. This is about you, God and what you really want for your child(ren), if you want to provide stability of peace for them and for them to see you and how you overcome obstacles, that's what matters most! Go grab a workbook and lets get started!
This action-packed, engaging workbook that will bring realistic insight to you!
Simple but effective step-by-step learning Tools, Impactful guidance forever
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16 pages
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